Little Fingers Music
Keyboard Classes
Summer Camp 2017
"Acoustic Cafe" School Age Song Workshop
… songs can be recorded, video taped and/or performed for the parents and a music night. (1-3 hrs)
Cover Song: Choose and learn a pop song from Youtube,
Parody Song: Make up new lyrics to an existing song,
Original Song: Express your feelings thoughts and observations about something close to your heart.
Kinder"garden" Moss Pit
Interactive songs involving call and response singing, dance percussion, drama, props, namerhymes, stories and humour with an environmental theme. (45 mins)
PreSchool "Pajamboree"
Interactive songs involving puppets, call and response singing, dance percussion, drama, props, name rhymes with an environmental theme… (30 mins)
Tunes for Todds
Gentle puppetry, lullabies, nusery rhymes, finger plays (20mins)
Classes billed at $80/hr Recommended class times are flexible