Little Fingers Music
Keyboard Classes
Books & DVDs that inspired Charlie to write ROCKgarden Party!
Jack in the Green: (also Jack in the green, Jack-in-the-green, Jack i' the Green, Jack o' the Green etc.) is a participant in traditional English May Day parades and other May celebrations, who wears a large, foliage-covered, garland-like framework, usually pyramidal or conical in shape, which covers his body from head to foot. The name is also applied to the garland itself
May Day represents spring, renewal and perhaps, the rain that ends a drought.
Puck, also known as Robin Goodfellow, is a character in William Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream that was based on the ancient figure in English mythology, also called Puck.
Puck is a clever, mischievous elf or sprite that personifies the trickster or the wise knave. In the play, Shakespeare introduces Puck as the "shrewd and knavish sprite" and "that merry wanderer of the night" in some scenes it would seem that he is longing for freedom and he is also a jester to Oberon, the fairy king. Puck and Bottom are the only two characters who interact and progress the three central stories in the whole play; Puck is the one who is first introduced in the fairies' story and creates the drama of the lovers' story by messing up who loves whom, as well as by placing the ass on Bottom's head in his story. Similarly, Bottom is performing in a play in his story intending it to be presented in the lovers' story as well as interacting with Titania in the fairies' story.
Sprite: The term is generally used in reference to elf-like creatures, including fairies, and similar beings (although not earth beings),[1] but can also signify various spiritual beings, including ghosts. The word "sprite" is derived from the Latin "spiritus" (spirit). Variations on the term include "spright" (the origin of the adjective "sprightly", meaning "spirited" or "lively") and the Celtic "spriggan". The term is chiefly used in regard to elves and fairies in European folklore, and in modern English is rarely used in reference to spirits or other mythical creatures.
Maple trees...start to produce at the ripe young age of 50 years. They reproduce via leaves and small flower buds. They rely on bees to pollinate the flower buds. Later in the summer, the flowers fall from the tree. The new seeds are in those flowers.
Extreme Skateboarding: Extreme skateboarding was created by surfers who brought their skateboards into empty swimming pools and rode up the walls pretending they were surfing. The pools were emptied because of a drought in california in the early 70s.
Puddlefish: Amphibious creatures that may have been the first land animals. Also the name of a song on Charlie’s first children’s CD “Little Fingers Music”
Starseed or star seed may refer to: Starseeds, individuals who believe they originated from another world, dimension, or planet.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_seed . Starseed is an old soul that brings wisdom. Usually their lives are on an accelerated kind of path.
Social Butterfly is a slang term for a person who is socially dynamic, networking, charismatic, and personally gregarious.
Gregarious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregarious_behaviour
ROCK (music) references
Rock Music: a form of popular music that evolved from rock and roll and pop music during the mid- and late 1960s. Harsher and often self-consciously more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-Establishment lyrics. Rock Music Evolution Like pop music, lyrics often stress romantic love but also address a wide variety of other themes that are frequently social or political in emphasis. Rock places a higher degree of emphasis on musicianship, live performance, and an ideology of authenticity .
Progressive Rock http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_rock